Feel yourself lucky

Hai Friends,

                    Every one on this earth think that they are having more and more number of problems rather than any one...But you see there are many people on this earth who are not even having food to eat... There are many people on this earth who want to study but yet cannot as their parents cannot afford......

We all have to learn a lot from such people....  
Have you ever thought that "how can some people like Einstein, Thomas Elva Edison and so on stand as an example to others????"

According to my view what I personally feel is that every one's inspiration should be GOD and then themselves....  Do not compare yourself with others.... Learn a lot from others and see the change in yourself.... Give a tough competition to others..... This is what the secret every one follows......
Every one on this earth is born for some or the other cause it will be revealed only when the time comes... Wait for the time to reveal it....

You know what friends, every person do have manual for him... Just like say for example:- if you have bought a new mobile and you don't know how to operate it and you go for the book or the manual which is given and start operating the mobile accordingly.. In the same manner every person on this earth have a manual for himself.. That is nothing but our ETHICS..... The Bhaghavadgeetha, The Bible, The Quran....

All these are nothing but the manuals for the human kind... Every person should read their own manual and follow it in order to keep their life in a right path......
It may be easy to read it but we have to follow it....

So friends, my suggestion is that go through your manuals at least once in a lifetime and save our ethics and start being like a good citizen.....

Let me tell you a story of a person who had followed the manual and hence applied it in his life time.......
A father name hanumanthu had got 8 sons .. Just imagine he had 8 sons and he was living very happily though he was poor... He is very proud to say that he had got 8 sons....
He used to send his 8 sons in auto-rickshaw to the school... One day suddenly the auto-rickshaw met with an accident and the father lost his 8 sons at a time.....

Losing 1 son pains a lot to the parents but he lost 8 sons in the accident.... On the day of the cremation he wasn't crying and a side by neighbor went and asked him  "Sir why don't you cry?? Dont you see that you have lost your 8 sons?? Don't you feel painful about this??"
Then the father smiled and  replied " My dear neighbor every person on this earth will be born for some or the other cause and once their cause is over they will return back and be born some where else as some other persons.... My sons cause is to make me feel proud to say as I am the father of 8 sons and their cause is over that is why they left.... I am not worried about their death but still I am very much happy that my sons had a purpose to come into the earth and have left after their purpose is over"

We can learn a lot of things from this story... What I feel is that The Nature of Acceptance is there in him... Yes, We have to accept what ever happen es ... Whether that is good or bad we have to have the acceptance nature.... Only if we keep accepting then we can move on with our life.....
The above father followed the manual and hence acquired the habit of acceptance.....

I am not trying to spread any kind of religious thing... But friends I want every one to go in a spiritual way or else at least follow that manual and hence behave like humans and spread the humanity.....

There are some people who want to do some thing good to the society... If you really want to do some thing good to the society then first of all follow the manual , spread our ethics, We can learn a lot from it......
So finally friends, See how lucky we are , We have manuals to follow... Never feel that you are unlucky to be born........ If you have not done any thing and if you feel yourself as useless don't worry.. Just take the manual and follow it or spread the teachings.....

Try to become leaders,but not followers.........