Mobile tricks

Hai Friends,

           In this Page I can give you some tips and tricks regarding mobile.....
Note:- All these tricks and tips and found on e-net and some are being tested and then kept in this site... We are not responsible for any of the consequences

Trick to know where your mobile made.

  Press the following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment identity number appears. Then check the 7th and 8th numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 th 8 th 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Phone serial no. x x x x x x ? ? x x x x x x x

IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 02 or 20 this means your cell phone was assembled in Emirates which is very Bad quality

IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 08 or 80 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Germany which is fair quality

IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 01 or 10 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Finland which is very Good

IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 00 this means your cell phone was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality

IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 13 this means your cell phone was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and also dangerous for your health
*#9125#------Activates the smiley when charging.......
*#9998*228#---shows battery status............
*#9998*778#---sim service table
VODAFONE FREE 20rs recharge
--> from mobile
-->Recharge menu
-->Enter password 8923115353
GPRS--General Packet Radio Service
GPS--Global Positioning System
GSM--Global System for mobile
SMS--Short Message Service
3G---3rd Generati
*#7780#----Restore phone
Delete gprs set---*#353738#
Blue tooth On--*#2820
Call waiting--*43#
Show security code---*#30#
Free caller tune for vodafone users:-
Dial 54206090
Free SMS for Airtel:- 80855
sms ams to 55328 u will get 50 L/N sms daily
New Idea Trick:-
>To Divert voice calls dial  9822001711
>Simply dial *62*+919822001711#
>Tested in Gujarat and Maharastra
Aircel GPRS activation:-
Reply to 121 with GPRS for GPRS setting
For wap setting do the same
MMS for MMS setting ... for all settings sms ALL
--> - 18004196666
-->SBT Bank:- 18004255566
-->UNION bank:- 1800222244
Airtel Free song catcher :-
-->Dial 57878(Toll Free)
-->Airtel Free TV:- Just Type: TV & send to 54321
-->Airtel Free JOB ALERT:- *321*66# 
Now you can ask balance from any other idea mobile friend:-
SMS- ASK to 55567... If your friend permits u can get balance
DTH Customer care Num's:-
Dish Tv:- 18601803474
Tata Sky:-18604256633
Big Tv:-18002009001
Airtel Digital:-18001028080
Nokia 1600 screen rotating trick:-
1.)dial *#5513#
Tricks for Nokia:-
-->Hide ur folder ICON
-->Rename Folder as Name.otb
-->Change Folder 2 Theme Icon as rename icon as name.nth
Dialed number retrieving in 1600:-
-->Save * on your contacts
-->Contact list& "Option"
-->select "call" option(dont press call button)
-->See diales no's
U can change ur dialer tune for free (Aircel):-
-->just sms DT FIND to 5300003 (toll free) It works in some states
BSNL to BSNL 10 ps/min. at two numbers:-
-->  sms EXLPOWER 1st mobile no (space) 2nd mobile no to 53733
Nokia codes:-
-->See private No-- *#30#
-->Warranty--- *#92702689#4
-->product date--*#3283#
Mobile number locator no need to install any software(for airtel):-
-->Type No 1st 4 digit to 51619
-->Ex: No 9888 to 51619
Toll Free numbers for any problems:-
Manual formatting of BB5 Nokia symbian phone 6600,6630,6680,6681,
7610,3230,N70,N72,N73,--- Models:-
Long press *,3,green button
Airtel offer Rs.5 (day pack):-
-500 L/N sms
Dial *555*01#
-50 MB data
DIal *555*02#
-A2A 5p/min (n8)
Dial *555*03#
-10 min STD IT
Dial *555*05#
SMS 4 Airtel:-
*123*1#  :SMS balance
*123*10# : Limited GPRS balance
*123*3# : Local A2A balance
*125*4# : unlimited sms balance
*123*5$ : Guld balance
ACT SMSDD to 53739

This is for reliance GSM
Send to the given number Rs.1 will be deducted after that sms will be totally free for 1 yr
Sony ericsson hand sets on BSNL network Trick:-
Just type 'MY3GTV' and send it to 55447
u will receive a wap link download MiMobi Tv
Want To recharge ur mobile online then go to:-
GSM tricks:-
To divert ur calls dial
Cancel divert
To check status
Hidden Trick for Nokia phones:-
-->Try this code : *#746025625#
-->This code stop ur sim clock in all nokia mobile phones
Airtel Free Hello Tune:-
-->Select Song
-->Then switch off ur mobile for 2 hours

BSNL trick:-
-->Send ur sim num to 53733 for puk number...
Samsung codes:-
-->Battery info--*#0228#
-->GPRS TOOL---*#4777*8665#
-->Call list--*#2255#
-->Firm ware--*#1234#