
Good Morning Messages:- 

1.)A Morning is a wonderful blessing, either cloudy or sunny. It stands for hope,giving us another start of what we call Life.. Good mrng..

2.)Gud morning.... Kindly Observe SILENCE for two minutes in the memory of those poor mosquitoes who died last night after sucking ur blood....
Inspirational Quotes:-

1.)It Takes a lot of planning and a hard work too...it takes a lot of caring to make success out of all u do and as u go forth in pursuit of Ur dreams may success and happiness crown all Ur efforts..

2.)With faith in yourself u can dare to believe and reach all the goals u deserve to achieve...

3.)Most of the important things in this world have been accomplished by people who have kept trying when there seems to be no hope at all....

4.)Believing every bossy is dangerous believing no bossy is very dangerous....So be careful always...

5.)If some one feels that they had never made a mistake in the9ir life it means that they had never tried a new thing in their life.....

6.)To be sure of hitting the target hit it first then what ever u hit call it as target....

7.)"Fallen flowers cant climb back",so don't think about the past love the present live for the future with a beautiful thoughts n lovely smile....

8.)success is like a train it has several coaches like hard work..focus..luck..attitude..vision but leading all those engine of confidence have a pleasant day.....

9.)"I Studied every thing but never topped.... But today toppers of all universities are my employees......It is attitude that matters every thing...."----BILL GATES

10.)Life is more strict than a teacher, A teacher teaches lesson and then keeps exams... But LIFE keeps exam first & then teaches the lesson...

11.)Clocks make a sound tick-tick.but it is not tick-tick its real sound is quick quick Beco'z time is precious make the best use of it.....

12.)Every successful person has a painful story.Every painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain n get ready for success.....

13.)Golden words by King Martin Luther- If u cant fly run, if u cant run walk, if u cant walk crawl, but what ever u do keep on moving towards Ur goal.....

14.)Ur heart beats "LUB-DUB".Do u know what is the meaning of LUB-LIVE UR BEST n DUB-DO UR BEST IN LIFE.....

15.)A clay pot having milk will be ranked than a golden pot having poison... it is not the outward glamor but out inward virtues that makes us valuable....

16.)Never Judge a book by it's cover......In the same way never judge a person by their outward appearance.....

17.)"The man who is smiling always doesn't mean that he has no problem,But the smile shows that he has the ability to over come all that problem.....

18.)We spend our days waiting for 4rd ideal path 2 appear in front of us but what we 4get is that,paths r made by walking not by waiting.....

19.)A tree can make lakhs of matchsticks.but a match stick can burn lakhs of trees.similarly a negative thought can burn all positive thoughts

20.)In life we have Lot 2 lose & very little to choose.when ever u get a chance to choose do it carefully & see that u never loose what u choose.....

21.)Asked what forgiveness is,a little girl gave this beautiful reply:
"Forgiveness is the sweet scent that flower gives when it is being crushed"...

22.)"Listen to Ur elders advice" not beco'z they r "right" but beco'z they have "more experiences of being wrong"

23.)When u feel that..GOD is rubbing u against rocks don't think that u will ruin down 2 dust.He is just polishing a DIAMOND stay precious......

24.)"CONFIDENCE come naturally with success...But success comes to those only who r CONFIDENT...."

25.)Every single drop of water adds to river n ultimately an ocean.Same way every minute of hard work adds to Ur %..don't waste Ur valuable time......

26.)No one is born happy,but every one r born with an ability to create happiness so today make every one happy by flashing Ur sweetest smile....

27.)Life is like a cotton..Don't make it heavier by sinking it in the water of sorrow.But make it lighter by letting it blow in the wind of joy.....('._.')
28.)TRUE FACT-don't count what u have lost;cherish what u have & plan what to gain;.... beco'z past never returns but future may return the things lost.....
29.)Life has no pause buttons!Dreams have no expiry date!Time has no holiday!So don't waste a single moment in Ur life.Live it.Rock it...
30.)No rehearsal r made in life.Each day is a new show.No repeat,No rewind.So give Ur best shot in all Ur worthy acts,as the show goes on & on & on.
31.)Life gives answers in 3 ways,it says YES n gives u watever u want,it says NO n gives u
something better,it says wait n gives u the best,"Dont just dream.Live u're dreams."........

32.)Things u love.. U loose 1 day.. Things u fear u face them 1 day... Do what u have to do & make the best of every moment that's LIFE, LIVE IT, LOVE IT.

Friendship Quotes:-

1.)One seed can start a forest one smile can make a relationship one touch can sow love one friend like u can make life glorious.....

2.)Words cant express what i feel for u so also difficult for me to prove buti know my heart is true when i am lucky to have the one like u.....

3.)Fingers 10..planets 9...corners 8..wonders 7..seas 6..oceans 5..options 4..seasons 3...eyes 2...a wonderful person like u is 1......

4.)7 colors make a rainbow....7 chords make music..7 days make a week ..7 continents make the world n 7 letters make friendship......
A-Ur attractive, B- Ur brilliant, C-Ur courageous, D-Ur dear to me, E-Ur excellent, F-Ur funny, G-Ur great

6.)Don't hate a friend who hates u...Don't hurt a friend who hurts u.Sacrifice every thing for a friend but don't sacrifice a friend for any thing......

7.)New friends may be a poem but old friends r like alphabets...do not forget alphabets to read the poem so never forget this alphabet........

8.)This is a MSG 4m a friend to a friend to be a friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend who's is a friend forever....

9.)Dear friend never walk away from true friend.when u see some faults..be patent n accept-no body is perfect..it is affection that matters......

10.)Remember 2 remember me.... forget to forget me..even if u remember to forget me i will never for get to remember u....

11.)Leave some thing for a friend..Never leave friend for some thing..beco'z in life some thing will leave u but friends will always live with u!!!!

12.)I have a simple calculation on how long we can be friends..count the stars in heaven+sand on the heart beats=4ever......

13.)No need to sit with me when i am sad,No need to talk with me when i am bored,No need to cry 4 me when i am dead,But don't 4get me when i am alive.....

14.)Night is silent.Night is beautiful.Night is clam.Night is quiet..but night is not complete without a wish to U..good night......

15.)FRIENDSHIP isn't about..whom u have known the longest...who came first or...who cares the best...it is all about who came n never left!!!!!!.......

16.)Miss me or Hate me...both r in favor of me.If u miss me I'll be in Ur heart.if u hate me I'll b in Ur mind....

17.)My eyes detected...My heart Reacted thousands were rejected but only u were selected to be my "SWEET FRIEND".......

18.)I may not be a clock that may sms u 24 hrs a day but will be like a clock that will not stop caring n praying 4 some 1 as special as good as u....

19.)It takes 3 sec to say..u r my friend..3min to explain it.3hrs to demonstrate it..3 days to appreciate it but takes life long to prove it......

20.)Friendship should have the determination like a mirror which looses it ability to reflect even if it is broken into thousands of pieces...!

21.)It is a nice feeling to know that some 1needs u...some1 misses u...some1 wants u....but u feel much better when some 1 don't 4get u n that is me!!!....

22.)We have known each other by CHANCE, become friends by CHOICE,when we say FRIEND 4 EVER,that is definitely life time PROMISE.....

23.)U can impress every body by Ur talents looks n intelligence n if that is not enough tell them that................................U R MY FRIEND..........

24.)Have my "HEART" That never breaks..have my "SMILE" That never fades..have my "TOUCH" that never hurts..have my "FRIENDSHIP" that never ends...............

25.)"Time can make us forget some memories but there will be some memories where we forget time,and those memories will make life sweeter...

26.)Care is the sweetest form of love...when some one says "TAKE CARE" it really means that u will stay in their heart till the last beat.so"Take care"......

27.)A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like u making my every day seems great..Thank u my good friend lastly good night and sweet dreams.........

28.)A friend gives hope when life is low,a friend is a place when u have nowhere 2 go,a friend is honest,a friend is true.A friend is precious a friend is u.............

29.)A friend is sweet when its new...but it is sweeter when it is TRUE?but u know what?its sweetest when its u..!....

30.)Be close with some one who makes u happy...But be close with some one who cant be happy without u..think n feel the difference...I am here my friend...

31.)Stones are many but diamonds r rare.Singles r many but pairs r rare.Tear's r many but smiles r rare.Friends r many but like YOU r rare...

32.)Just show ur care 2d persn who loves u. bcz u cn hv mny thgs 2 cherish in ur lyf bt d persn who luvs u nly hv ur care 2 feel happy..

33.)Missing a Good friend in life is equal to cheating the life by our self... So, I never MISS U any time till the end of my life..

34.)Three wonderful words of life:
But dont use these words for 3 persons:

35.)Some day if i die,Dont think dat i forget u, Just hav a look 2wards d sky !! My tear will be a raindrop on ur cheek 2 say i am still with u..

36.)Hai Ela vunnav? bane vuntav le.....
okay tinnnava? tine vuntav le.....
yem chestunnav? edo okati chestuney vuntav le....
ippudu padukutunnava.? ippudey yenduku padukuntav le.....
yekkada vunnav?? bhumi meedaney vunav le......
navvutunnava ??? navvee vuntav le.......
Reply ivvala vadda ani alochistunnava???? alochistunnav le...
sareley yemi chesav ee roju...??? Yedo okati chesav le.....
Take care bye